e-ISSN 2602-4187
Period Twice a year
Founded 2017
Publisher Erhan SET

Turkish Journal of Inequalities Special Issue






The papers will be selected form 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS February 24-25, 2020, http://icpam.uos.edu.pk/, organized by Department of Mathematics, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan as well as also invited to all interested professors, researchers, scholars, and students in the field of Pure, Applied and Computational Mathematics. As a result, the event acquaints the mathematical community with the latest trends in mathematics. Full versions of the abstracts presented in the conference will be published after undergoing review process. The manuscript must be original and written in English, and participants can send via e-mail to: erhanset@tjinequality.com. The journal is free of charge and indexed in different international indexing services. Follow the style of journal to prepare your manuscript (www.tjinequality.com).

The main aim of this special issue is to focus on new advancement in mathematical sciences. The collected papers give a short but meaningful description of the main hot problems in the mathematical sciences.

Turkish Journal of Inequalities (TJI) is an international research journal of rapid publication devoted to the publication of significant articles in all areas and sub-areas of inequalities and applications. Subject matters should be strongly related to inequalities, such as, but not restricted to, the following: inequalities in analysis, inequalities in approximation theory, inequalities in combinatorics, inequalities in economics, inequalities in geometry, inequalities in mechanics, inequalities in optimization, inequalities in stochastic analysis and applications.

Manuscript Due June, 2020

Lead Guest Editor

Name: Prof. Dr. Erhan SET

Address: Ordu University, Department of Mathematics, Ordu, Turkey

Email: erhanset@tjinequality.com

Guest Editors

Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad ABBAS

Address: University of Sargodha, Department of Mathematics, 40100 Sargodha, PAKISTAN

E-mail: muhammad.abbas@uos.edu.pk

Name: Khuram Ali KHAN

Address: University of Sargodha, Department of Mathematics, 40100 Sargodha, PAKISTAN

E-mail: khuram.ali@uos.edu.pk

Name: Azhar HUSSAIN

Address: University of Sargodha, Department of Mathematics, 40100 Sargodha, PAKISTAN

E-mail: azhar.hussain@uos.edu.pk